Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Old post

(Starting fresh with the blog, so all old pots are deleted with the exception of the pictures.)


  1. im definitely a pessimist... no doubt :)

  2. Shut off the internet in your house/flat - Watch everyone inside panic. Count the seconds it takes

    "Hey, is anyone else's internet off?"

    In an earthquake, we find ourselves crippled as everything is not delivered to our house without power.

    Technology is a necessary advancement owing to human avarice... It's good to keep up, but not over rely, and make sure you can still operate in a world without the comforts to which we are accustomed

  3. So true @mike, I'm to addicted to the easy life that technology brings to the table.

  4. i'd probably bring a cell site & power plant to start with...

  5. i've spent most of the past 10 years playing computer games for hours a day, but now see a much different view on life and am enjoying myself alot more.

  6. Thanks god you are not Bieber/Friday generation :)) you can watch my posts and listen some 60's psychedelic generation of beatincs! You can stary listening this, buy guitar and have a fun my friend!

  7. That's a beautiful post. I'm looking forward to your works.

  8. haha the hair gel stood out to me as well.

  9. I agree with you, we are so depended on electricity nowadays that we forget what life is really about, good post!

  10. haha hair gel is a must in every situation :D

  11. great post good to read, thanks

  12. great post, i really share your opinion

  13. lets just hope they asked the wrong kind of kids

  14. Stephen King <3

    But i got to agree with you're post. (Y)

  15. Its not the children its the parents and the growth of the new medias...

  16. Really nice quotation of Steven King. Also nice writing, keep it up!

  17. I really love your photography style. Ever considered putting out wallpapers?

  18. wow good stuff thanks! love the photo

  19. I like that quote from Stephen King

  20. I think we're called the google generation now. Haha. I have a post coming up tomorrow about an author I spoke with in one of my classes today. He wrote a book about how the internet is reshaping our minds.

  21. wait what does stephen king know about literature?

  22. OK a couple of things

    First- :( no Swedish lesson :(

    Second - in your info you list that you like Video Games... how different are you from those you hate? Just curious

    Third - After 4 years teaching in public education... I agree we are doomed, but at least I can play angry birds on my iPhone and be constantly entertained until the end of humanity :) (PS I hate angry birds)

  23. nice quote, i had never seen it thanks

  24. faen, no swedish post.. wait i think faen is norsk.

  25. @Apes well I’m a hypocrite, with that said I wanted to make a point that we are more or less depending on technology. I still do love the things that it brings to the table. Just that we don't need to use it constantly, and think before we say something stupid.

  26. define going Hitler on children please.

  27. Kids these days are retarded. I've worked with kids for the last 10 years, and they get more and more retarded with each year passing. Too much state money goes into public schools, and for what? These retarded asses that have no other purpose in life other than lining Steve Jobs' pockets. Teacher's can only do so much, sure a lot of them don't do as much as they ought to, but from what I've seen parents are lazy. Start expelling useless kids from the system and then maybe the parents might start taking an interest once they realize they got to come up with the cash to pay someone off to babysit their little assholes all day. It's a shame really, the few kids that are truly interested in school and would be beneficial to society are completely ignored in order to corral the trouble makers.

    ~H. Coct

  28. lol
    cause iphone!=cellphone its so much more :3

  29. Pessimist /becuase things can only get better if you expect the worst.

    I would have to take my ipone though I'm sorry, I bet I could use to to open cocounts or something

  30. Without electricity today's life would be chaos!

  31. Half Coct@ You are so right on every point you made, thank god there is still people who can think.

  32. We would still be in the dark ages without electricity.

  33. I would take a boat to a deserted island

  34. It's all about the extended adolescence man!


  35. Off topic but I gotta say Swedish music is awesome these days. The Knife, Fever Ray, Royksopp, Tallest Man No Earth, Lykke Li, Robyn. Hell yeah.

  36. Yeah, I turn the router off in my house sometimes and within 5 seconds someones going WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FUCKING INTERNET? Sure, I may use it every day, but it's only because it's here. Power went out for two weeks last year and by the end of the two week stretch, most of my friends were nervous wrecks. Irritable, sleepless, angry, wouldn't do anything. I was fine, whatever. I did alot of reading. Kids anymore just don't seem to care. This is what Liberals have done to our nation.

  37. id be stranded up river without a paddle without my android phone.

  38. I like the quote, Stephen king is one of my favorite authors.

  39. I suppose I fall under Pessimist. I certainly work in the electronics field, but I don't think those would be even near the MIDDLE of a very long list of things I would take to an island.


  40. Don't be too harsh, they just say the first thing that comes to their mind.

  41. Well that's the problem, they should be smart enough to think on their feet. "Hmm, me, an island, gotta survive...I know! A Swiss Army Knife!" When I was a kid a Swiss Army Knife was a right of passage, now its an iPod. The day my kid asks me for an iPod instead of a Swiss army Knife is the day I fail as a parent.

    P.S. Meistro, thanks for updating your profile, I couldn't find your blog without a link or reference to it. I hope you didn't think I had abandoned interest in your blog :)

    ~H. Coct

  42. @Half Coct

    You actually sound a lot like my father when I was a kid, Me and my sister where always out in the woods on adventures, making stuff out of twigs and what not. we actually got us stuff like a Swiss knife! I'm glad that I know how to do shit, so if I ever decide to get kids I can teach them how to do stuff, it’s highly unlucky that I will ever get kids though, I don’t want to bring something to life in to something that’s such a mess as our world is At the moment.
